16 Feb 02 Afternoon After lunch, we motored to Rabida Island, the Red Island. Red cinder beaches, ranging from mud-sized to one inch cinders. Red cliffs; red hillsides. There's a small brackish pond behind the beach with a colony of bachelor Galapagos Sea Lions wallowing in red mud. The trail then climbs a ridge to a cliff overlooking Rocky Cove, a beautiful sight in the late afternoon light. Decent birding, with excellent views of a Common Cactus Finch in a cactus forest. The memorable thing about Rabida is the red color in the late afternoon twilight. The Palos Santos trees were starting to green up from the rain, creating a half-surreal pairing of red and green. Saw my first Brown Pelican nest in the trees behind the brackish ponds.
Rabida Beach and Galapagos Sea Lion Harem Rabida Island
Copyright © 2002 Jim & Nancy DeWitt
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